tisdag 26 mars 2019

1d4 blessed ruins

1. An old church, overgrown with moss. Inside is a magnificent organ with silver pipes, tended by shy monks who sneak in at night to play it when the Giant Bat (HD4, Bite: 1d8+poison, Flight, MV9, Huge: +2d8) that resides in the ruin is out hunting. In an unmarked grave is the corpse of Caelfarn, father of old Corwyn and agent of the Occ Empire, buried with his elfin maille (armour as mail, weight as gambeson) and blessed sword (1d8, +1d4 damage against unliving).

2. A small monument stands some twenty paces into a shallow lake, lined with bones. Blackened inscriptions on the monument declare that on this site, Holy Severinus converted 101 pagans to the true Faith.
3. Remains of a beacon tower, high as a light-house but abandoned mid-construction. The tower carries the royal insignia of Occ. In a stone sarcophagus, overgrown with weed, a knight of the second conquest lies buried - blessing the construction with his death. Five winged demons (3HD, claws 1d8, sightless) live in the upper half of the tower, defiling the holy repose with their droppings.
4. The ruins of an abbey amid a lifeless field. Its insides are black from fire, its treasures reduced to molten lumps of metal and wood. Only a charred statue of the God Mother remains, twisted by the flames. Worshipped locally as the Ash Lady, anyone kneeling before her in allegiance must make an unmodified death save. If the roll is below SPI, the supplicant gains the power to conjure flames from their blood. Each character can only attempt this once in their life. A squire (2HD, leather & helm, axe 1d8+deadly, shield 1d6) sits brooding by a small fireplace; loyal to Guiselbert the Bold he came for the idol's aid in freeing his master from the Black Knight, but has yet to find the courage to endure its deadly trial.

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